• Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm   ·   Closed on Weekends

Our services

We provide authenticity for the full spectrum of decarbonisation services. Our tokens, TREEs, present a tamper-proof digital identity on blockchain for carbon credits and renewable energy transactions. Consumers will benefit with this fraud preventive mechanism.

Fit-for-purpose solutions, we offer tokenisation for self-developed projects and off-the-shelf retail credits. Our services apply for all projects that decarbonise the environment.

Auditable credits

  • Create a unique tamper-proof digital identity for the carbon credit or renewable energy
  • Track the identity from production to consumption
  • Match transactions against the digital identity
  • Support ‘decarbonisation claims’ with data to avoid any fraudulent claims
Establish your offset project or identify the renewable energy or carbon credit you want to avail
Leverage our tokenisation technology and create a unique tamper-proof identity for the credits
Report your decarbonisation outcomes with our unique and tamper-proof digital identity tokens, TREEs.

Immutable digital identity assigned to your claims.

We provide authenticity to the decarbonisation actions by enabling transparent data sharing between stakeholders with a tamper-proof traceability of the climate positive actions undertaken.
Tokenised Renewable Energy Transactions

Off-site self-generation (fractional or full ownership)

On-site self-generation

Off-site group captive

Power purchase agreements

Unbundled I-RECS

Tokenised Carbon Credit Transactions

Pre-purchase third party development

Retail carbon credits

Self-generated carbon offset projects